UX Research & UX Design
for Omoda HQ
For my graduation project at Omoda HQ I worked in three different sprints, subdivided into the triple diamond design thinking method.
Sprint 1: Discover and research phase.
Sprint 2: Ideate phase
Sprint 3: Implementation phase.​
Can't tell the details
Unfortunately I can't tell you more about the project and the final product. What I can say is that the concept has been a huge success and has been received with great enthusiasm by both the target group and by Omoda internally. The pain points that take place in the orientation phase and consideration phase are overcome with this concept. With this information and description I hope to have made it clear to you how the UX process is set up and executed.
But what I can tell you
For my graduation project commissioned by Omoda, I focused on the way in which customers can search for more targeted inspiration on omoda.nl, in order to arrive at their dream product. The customer experience is central to Omoda and it is therefore the intention with this assignment to translate a unique customer experience to online, for the target group of women between the ages of 25 and 54. ​
In order to find an answer to the issue, I have used various research methods over the graduation period, with which I have been able to collect insights about the needs, wishes and pain points of the target group. A number of research methods that I have used are quantitative research such as surveys and social media polls, qualitative research such as interviews and user tests and literature research. ​
Some important insights that I used as a starting point for my design process were; most pain points are in the orientation phase and the consideration phase. More than 89% of the target group often does not know exactly what they are looking for, but often they do know what they are not looking for. The target group indicates that they often experience stress of choice, due to too much and not matching offer, which means that they drop out faster. This makes it difficult for the target group to find a product online that suits them. I translated these insights into design guidelines, which serve as assessment guidelines for the concept. ​
With the research results I obtained, I used various creative techniques to generate concept ideas together with the target group, which address the guidelines. Three concepts emerged from this, from which the final concept was subsequently chosen through a dotvoting session and testing with the design guidelines. Then I started setting up the concept with wireframes. I tested this layout of the concept with a scenario test, to find out how the content of the concept is experienced and how the target group ultimately wanted to see the results of products or outfits. ​
Once I had a good idea of the requirements of the concept, I started to concretize the design guidelines into design criteria, to which I constantly provide feedback in sprint 3 during testing in the different iterations. Then I worked out three different versions of the inspiration-oriented questions and different visual elaborations of the other preferences. I then validated this with the Commerce team, from which the input fields and the minimalist appearance of the preferences were the most chosen. ​
I then started working out the low fid prototype (wireframes), which I validated and tested with colleagues. I processed the feedback obtained in 2 flows of the low fid prototype. I tested both of these with the target group, to find out which flow they experienced the best and which flow they felt most inspired by. Flow 2 was chosen from these results, in which the inspiration-oriented questions come first, followed by the other preferences. With these results I developed the high fid prototype and then physically tested it for functionality, experience, criteria and added value.